Official name Australia
Capital Canberra
Currency Australian dollar (100 cents)
Population 23 million
Land area 7.69 million sq km
Gross domestic product
(GDP) per capita AUD61,137; USD67,036 floating currency USD 1 = AUD0.912
(December 2013)
GDP growth 3.7 percent per annum ( Financial year 2012)
2.6 percent per annum ( Financial year 2013)
2.75 percent per annum ( Financial year 2014E)
Principal business centres Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Macro Economy
National Australia Bank (NAB) View (January 2017)
"We maintain our view the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is likely to cut rates later in 2017. Prospects for the RBA will be driven by the labour market outlook where the RBA already harbors 'considerable uncertainty about the momentum'. This notion was also emphasized by former Board member John Edwards in a recent opinion piece"
Property Market
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